Simple Stuff
Over 40 years ago Shelbi's Stuff was started. It was a direct to the consumer manufacturing company that later became a full specialty store in the Dallas, Texas area. We had a small factory supplying our store and a few other stores with quality infant bedding and accessories. As time passed the manufacturing part grew and became known as Luv Stuff and has supplied department stores, chain stores, specialty stores, and other wholesale outlets with their own private label goods.
During all this time we have remained a 'Made in America' company, never sending jobs overseas. We haven't changed our philosophy today. We are committed to our great country and strive to give you the finest quality products available today. As time went on we created Simple Stuff because of the need for something reasonably priced which could be scaled for whatever need by dealer or consumer. Simple Stuff has become an industry leader in styling, fabrics, construction safety, and service.
Custom made products as well as our own line of goods give the consumer a vast ability to have or create whatever is needed in whatever color desired. We also have the option of COM (customers own material) for that very special need. We do it all.
Our roots go back 70 years in this industry. During those years of retailing and manufacturing, safety has always been priority one. Over the years we have been a member of JPMA and other industry groups. We get reports from the CPSC, whenever issued, that concern infant bedding and follow closely the standards set forth for safety. We have served on committees and conference calls relating to and furthering infant safety. Our products have gone through test labs over the years without ever having failed once. We are proud of the products we make and the safety record complied over the years.
Our life priorities are God, family, and business and to that end we try to seek Gods direction in all we do. Being a family business we seek Gods leadership and are devoted to the families of America in having safe, unique, and special infant nurseries at reasonable prices.
Thank you for the time you have spent on our site and please feel free to contact us at any time.